International Christian Missions and Volunteer Placement Center is wing of Evangelism and care –giving of the power of the Cross Ministries International, a non-denominational Ministry based in Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa under the leadership of Pastor Stephen Phinehas Ndivo. The Ministry works together with both denominational and non-denominational ministries when it comes to the placement of volunteers and ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Lord of all.
Our aim is to facilitate and enable Christians, Christian Professionals, and Ministers of the gospel (Five –fold), Music ministers and others to reach out and share the love of Christ Jesus to those people outside their countries of residence and in particular our country Kenya and other East and Central African Countries such as Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, DRC- Congo, Malawi, and Zambia.. We have allowed God to use us as a golden- Connector to Christian Missioners and Ministers who have been willing to leave their comfortable life styles in their Countries and have come to Kenya for one (1) week up to three (3) months sharing the love of Christ to millions of people in diverse ways in line with the need on the ground.

There are Ministers of the gospel in different callings, and Professions across the globe who have been believing God for an open door to minister in Africa and especially East & Central Africa, but they don't know how, where , and when.
There are also Christian Professionals and Christians at large who have been desiring to use their Expertise, Giftings and Talents in sharing the love of Christ in Africa, but also to them they don't know how to, where, and when an effectual door my be open.
For example, there are Evangelists whom God has anointed to reach out to the dying world but no open door is open for them. They have what it takes like Financies, Sound System, , Tents etc. for an International Missions like Crusade, Church planting, Rehabilitating of orphans program etc , BUT NO OPEN DOOR SWINGS OPEN BEFORE THEM.
On the other hand, there are ministers / preachers greatly anointed by God here in Kenya and in our neighbor Countries who given a hand of support can reach out to their respective communities, villages, towns and cities. There are some of them with a congregation of about 300 – 600 people and yet they don't have even one Microphone. They use their God given voices to preach and sing using our normal African drum and clapping of hands.
That is why International Christian Missions & Volunteer Placement Center under the Leadership of Pastor Stephen Phinehas Ndivo is working really hard to CONNECT ministers and Professionals for the effective and powerful power evangelism.
It is true Africa has very anointed men and women of God who need to be Empowered,for the anointing without empowerment such as financially and in Leadership is a Catastrophe.
There are some whom God has anointed and blessed financially and materially for the end-time speed evangelism. Your calling is to support those who are on the front line preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ the Lord.
May you consider to support one of your own in your Family, Church, City, and Country or support by donating to us, as we reach out to those who are lost in sin and those who are believers and yet Naked, Thirsty, Hungry and without a meaningful Shelter.
We can practice the True Religion according to James
May the love and Compassion of Jesus Christ fill your heart as you hear and watch the News of anguish and pain in Kenya and Africa in CNN, BBC, SKY NEWS, ALJAZIRA etc.
Due to political unrest in Kenya, some Churches, pastors' houses and individuals houses were burned down including those of blood washed Christians who are now homeless in what we now call 'INTERNALLY DISPLACED CAMPS' ( IDPs). Mothers and Children are sleeping in the open grounds in cold at night and the scotching sun during the day.
Dear Sir / Madam, did you know that when Nehemiah ( in the Bible) heard the news that walls and the gates of Jerusalem were burned down he was stressed and troubled hence he prayed to God. But when he came to the SEEN- JERUSALEM and saw the devastation of the city, he was moved and got a strategy on how to Rebuild the city again

Together we can rebuild the broken lives of humanity around us.
The International Christian Missions and Volunteer Placement Center has two wings of operation in which the Missioner(s) and the Volunteer(s) chose as per his / her area of calling, Desire, Profession and Experience.

The are,
1) Preaching and Empowerment Ministry
2)Care-Giving Ministry

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